Marshall County Senior Citizens, Inc.
230 College St.; Lewisburg, TN 37091




The Nutrition Center provides cafeteria-style lunches served in our lunchroom or home delivered meals for shut-ins. PRIOR APPLICATION IS REQUIRED.  A reservation for your meal must be made by the day before.  To make a meal reservation call 359-6452.  To arrange home delivered meals call 866-836-6678.


Education programs include: Art Class, Ceramics, Book Club, sewing, crafts, and Health Education programs.  A variety of special interest topics are also covered by guest speakers.




Recreation programs include: Rook Games, Bridge Club, Pool/ Billiards, Bingo, Sewing Circle, Canasta games and seasonal programs  A variety of volunteer opportunities are also coordinated through the center.








Health Promotion Activities: Aerobics classes and Indoor walking track.  







Staff members and volunteers provide referrals, telephone reassurance for shut-ins, health screenings, flu shot clinics, Medicare counseling, income tax preparation, and other services as available.




*The Senior Citizens Center is funded under an agreement with the Tennessee Commission on Aging and Disability. The Senior Citizens Center also receives funding from Marshall County, the United Way,


private donations, and fundraisers.  EOE


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open Monday -Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.